InProAndroidDevbySaqibDrawer Navigation using Material 3 in Jetpack ComposeIn Material 2 Drawer navigation was part of Scaffold composable but from Material 3 it’s a stand alone component which we will explore in…Sep 21, 20231Sep 21, 20231
InProAndroidDevbySaurabh PantA cleaner way to interact between Composable and ViewModel in Jetpack ComposeBeing in a state makes you composed!May 18, 20228May 18, 20228
InProAndroidDevbyIgor EscodroMigrating an Android app to iOS with KMP — Part I: First steps and architectureThe first article in the Migrating an Android app to iOS series focuses on architecture and porting the app’s business rules.Aug 29, 2023Aug 29, 2023
Francesc Vilarino GuellUsing Activity Result Contracts in Jetpack ComposeIn this short story we will write a simple app that will showcase how to use the Activity Result Contracts in Jetpack Compose. Our app will…Jun 6, 20229Jun 6, 20229
InGoogle Developer ExpertsbyJulien SalviHands on Jetpack Compose VisualTransformation to create a phone number formatterAt Aircall, we are currently rewriting our design system with Jetpack Compose, the new UI framework made by Google.Dec 21, 20216Dec 21, 20216
Betül NecanlıCoroutine in ComposeIn Compose for Kotlin, a coroutine is a lightweight thread of execution that can be used to perform asynchronous and non-blocking…Mar 8, 20231Mar 8, 20231
Oussama CherfaouiEasy Image Picking: No Permissions Required using Jetpack ComposeLearn to easily select, store, and load images locally in Android apps without the hassle of permission handling.Jun 23, 2023Jun 23, 2023
Oussama CherfaouiHandle Runtime Permissions in Jetpack ComposeHow to properly handle android runtime permissions in jetpack composeMay 24, 2023May 24, 2023
InProAndroidDevbyRaheem Jr.Bouncing and Pulsating Icon Animation In Jetpack composeCreating Simple Bouncing and Pulsating AnimationJan 17, 20231Jan 17, 20231
Jaewoong EumBuild a Real-Time Meeting App for Android with Jetpack ComposeReal-time video communication has emerged as an indispensable feature in contemporary applications, finding utility across many sectors…Sep 1, 2023Sep 1, 2023
InMobile App Development PublicationbyElye - A One Eye Dev By His GraceLoading Image in Android Jetpack Compose Made EasyHow to load image bitmap, vector, or from URL in Jetpack ComposeFeb 10, 20212Feb 10, 20212
InNerd For TechbyAkshay SawantJetpack Compose Ep:8 — Radio Button AppHere, we will go through Radio Button in detail with respect to its attributes by dividing it in multiple parts.Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021
Daniel AtitieneiHow to use Palette API with Jetpack ComposeThe Palette library provides a powerful and intuitive API for creating more engaging apps extracting prominent colors from imagesAug 11, 20222Aug 11, 20222
Daniel DimovskiSplash Screen with Jetpack Compose: Side-Effects in Compose & How to Use ThemThere are different types of side-effects & we are going to look into some of them through a practical example — creating a splash screenFeb 10, 20231Feb 10, 20231
InDeukbyKen Ruiz InoueBasic Android Compose - Navigation Drawer MenuLet’s learn how to implement a navigation drawer menu from scratch using Jetpack Compose. Without further ado, let’s begin!Sep 12, 2022Sep 12, 2022
Tomáš RepčíkMaking Extensible Settings Screen in Jetpack Compose from ScratchHow to create simple extensible settings screen in your appMar 27, 20231Mar 27, 20231
Meyta TalitiBuilding a Simple Chat App with Jetpack ComposeIf you come across this article after knowing Jetchat sample you may be wondering “why should I read this”? I don’t know, why you?Jul 23, 20232Jul 23, 20232
Maneesha ErandiKotlin with Jetpack Compose -TabsUsing Tabs to navigate between screens allows users to interact with the app in an easy and organized way.May 31, 2023May 31, 2023
InGoogle Developer ExpertsbyJuan Guillermo Gómez TorresHow to use Ktor client on AndroidKtor is an asynchronous open source framework for creating microservices and web applications. It was developed with Kotlin by Jetbrains…Feb 18, 20216Feb 18, 20216